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    урок по английскому языку для 9 класса на тему Alternative medicine. Herbal medicine. Traditional medicine.
    Date: Teacher: Gorbunova Ye. V.
    Grade: 9
    Hours: 2

    Themes: Alternative medicine. Herbal medicine. Traditional medicine.

    Aims: to deepen and supplement Ss’ knowledge on the theme “Health”;
    to inculcate in Ss a feeling of love and respect for healthy way of life;
    to create conditions for the development of independent and creative thinking person; to activate power of apprehension (мыслительные способности);
    to form the ability to work in a team, helping each other; ability to analyze and critically evaluate information
    to develop Ss’ lexical, grammatical, communicative skills and critical thinking.

    Pupils will be able:
    1) to associate with the word “Health”;
    2) to put together the whole poem and recite it;
    3) to express their attitude towards treatment with plant remedies “Herbalism”;
    4) to read the text with the INSERT Method;
    5) to take part in discussion about the use of plants for healing;
    6) to work individually, in pairs, in groups;
    7) to communicate in English;
    8) to evaluate their work and their partners’ work;

    Technology of the development of critical thinking

    Procedure of the lesson.
    1. Organization moment.
    Good morning, dear students!
    I think you are ready for our lesson and have a good mood. Our today`s lesson is dedicated to very important theme for many people. We will talk about medicine.

    Division into three groups.
    1 group – Alternative medicine.
    2 group – Herbal medicine.
    3 group – Traditional medicine.

    2. Presentation of the theme.
    Today we will speak not about traditional medicine. We will speak about alternative medicine, namely the treatment with plant remedies.
    have Brainstorm Activity,
    discuss the text with the INSERT Method,
    work with presentations.

    3. Brainstorming Activity.
    T’s a: Let’s start our lesson with a poem:
    Now repeat after me in chorus all together. T-P1, P2,P3 …
    Ss’a.: Students all together repeat each line after the teacher.
    T’s a.: Now, listen to me. In order to know how you understood the contents of this poem. I shall give you each line of the poem separately. You must put together the whole poem.
    Ss’a.: Students in a group of 4(5) fulfill this task. (Work in groups)
    T’s a.: Who wants to recite this poem.
    Ss’a.: Students recite the poem loud when they have learned it.

    I want to live,
    But not to die.
    I want to laugh,
    But not to cry.
    I want to feel
    The summer sun.
    I want to know
    That life is fun.

    4. Main part. Comprehension.
    Разработка понятия “health” творческим методом воображения (агглютинация)
    Teacher. What do you think of when you hear the word “health”?
    Students’ possible answers:
    Pupil 1. I think of sport, because it helps us to be healthy and strong.
    Pupil 2. As for me, I think of nature, as we can breath in fresh air walking in the fields and forests.We can enjoy the beauty of nature feeling positive emotions.
    Pupil 3. I think of food, for we use it every day and to be healthy it is necessary to eat plain and healthy food.
    Teacher. Do you think it is possible to think of music discussing the topic “health”?
    Pupil 4. Sure, it is. Music helps to cure people. It is used in medicine more and more often, especially classical music.

    В результате беседы создаётся примерная схема:

    Nature Music Sport Keeping fit Food

    Nature Free time Every day life


    New vocabulary from the text “Herbalism”.

    Pre-reading tasks: (work with the textbook)
    Ex1 p26. Match the following therapies with their definition.
    Ss’ a.: Students match the therapies with their definition.
    Ex 3 p27. Cover the text. Discuss the sentences below with your partner. Do you agree or disagree with the ideas:
    a) Science now supports the herbalists’ methods.
    b) Artificial remedies have an advantage over plants.
    c) It is important not to try to treat yourself.
    d) Herbalism is a modern when to pick plants.

    Reading. Speaking. (Work in groups)
    Text “Herbalism”
    Работа с текстом по методу INSERT.
    Your task is to work at the text with the INSERT Method and I hope that your reading will be really effective.

    I remind that you were to fill in the table:
    I know this fact +
    New information ?
    Not clear, have questions

    • If you know the given information – you put a V (tick) opposite the sentence.
    • If the information was new for you – you marked it with a +.
    • If something was not clear to you – you were to put an ? mark and ask questions.

    T’s a.: Show me your marks and notes. Let`s begin with the first column.
    What was familiar to you? (Ss’ a.: учащиеся зачитывают предложения из первого столбика).
    What was unfamiliar, new for you? (Ss’ a.: учащиеся зачитывают предложения из второго столбика).
    Have you got questions to the text? What was not clear to you? (Ss’ a.: учащиеся зачитывают предложения из третьего столбика).
    OK, students, you`ve managed doing this task, I`m pleased with you.

    T’s a.: Make up the questions according to the text.

    Ex 5 p 27. Match the following words with the words in bold in the text.

    Treatment - healing, remedy; production – manufacture;
    Quickly – rapidly; reason – cause;
    Extremely large – vast; disease – illness.

    Let’s try to retell one of the parts of the text “Herbalism”

    If students cannot retell the text at once, I can use method “Jigsaw” for better understanding of the text.
    Method “Jigsaw”
    1) Division into groups (“family” group – 1, 2, 3, 4). The number of groups corresponds to the number of parts into which the text is divided.
    2) Installation: by the end of the lesson, each team member needs to understand all of the text and to know all of it, but to spell it to each other to be in parts and so everyone is responsible for the development of the whole group of his part of the text.
    3) Division by expert groups (1+1+1+1, 2+2+2+2, 3+3+3+3, 4+4+4+4)
    4) Reading of the text and its discussion in the expert group.
    5) Work in family groups on the content of the text.
    6) Presentation of the text. Retelling the text.

    5. Reflection.
    T’s a.: It`s the end of the lesson and the time for reflection, students. We have discussed much today. Did you like our lesson? I wonder what feelings and thoughts you’ve got now. Please, express your opinion.
    Ss’ a.: Students express their opinion on stickers.

    Hometask: to retell the text “Herbalism”.

    Источник: http://УМК "English 9" авторы Т. Аяпова, З. Абильдаева, Ж. Тутбаева Издательство Алматы"Мектеп" 2013 год
    Категория: Английский и немецкий языки | Добавил: Yelena (22.12.2014) | Автор: Горбунова Елена Васильевна E
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