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    Главная » Статьи » Предметы и уроки » Английский и немецкий языки

    Control work
    II Task
    1. Degrees of comparison: Clean-cleaner-the cleanest (translate)
    Small, big, large, high , low , long, short , tall , thin , fat , thick ,narrow ,wide, sharp, full, sweet, fresh , smooth, soft , hard, heavy, light ,dark, light , bright ,hot , cold, clean, dirty, new , old, young , simple, close , main, nice, huge, popular, fine, poor, strong ,free, difficult, beautiful, early, serious, different, important, modern, warm, merry, high, weak, young, green, deep, brave.

    2. Translate the dialogue in Russian

    - Hello, Alina!
    - Hello, Yulia!
    - How are you? How is your examination week?
    - I`m bad. I have been taking exams for a week and I have failed English. And how are you?
    - I`m fine! I passed my exam successfully. Do you know why you are can’t cope with an exam?
    - Yes! I think I know. It is spring. When the weater is good I want to walk with my friends. It is so hard to prepare for examinations in such a beautiful weather.
    - Oh, it is true. I understand you. I also walked, but passed, is there any other reason?
    - Yes, there is. Last time I missed a lot of classes and now I dont`t know enough information.
    - This is very bad. When you are going to retake English?
    - I`m going to retake English in five days.
    - I can help you If you want.
    - Really? I want it so much!
    - All right. But I have one condition.
    - Which one?
    - You must work hard.
    - I promise!
    - Ok. We will meet every day at 3 p.m., ok?
    - It is good.
    - Please? tell me about your problems.
    - I make many mistakes in oral speech and in grammar.
    - I see. We should spend an hour a day on oral speech and about 2 hours a day on grammar .

    3.Что вы собираетесь делать на следующей неделе? Запишите свои планы в таблицу:
    study English, work, do sport, go to the sports club, do the shopping, do the housework, go out with friends, play video games, go to the cinema, wash the car, clean the room, tidy the flat, learn the new words, cook, read a book, start a new life, mop the floor, do the dishes, call mum and dad.
    On Sunday On Monday On Tuesday On Wednesday

    On Thursday On Friday On Saturday Next week

    Источник: http://pedagog-help.ucoz.ru/publ/0-0-0-0-1
    Категория: Английский и немецкий языки | Добавил: Сёма (23.12.2015) | Автор: Омарова Самал Пауйденовна E
    Просмотров: 369 | Рейтинг: 0.0/0
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