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    St. Valentine´s Day
    Theme of the lesson: „St. Valentine´s Day”

    Aim of the lesson: to enrich pupils´ vocabulary; to teach to express own opinions.
    The objectives:
    - Educational: to master new lexis and its use in speech; to revise Grammar (Past Simple Tense, 3 forms of the verbs).
    - Developing: to improve pupils´ skills of speaking, listening on the given theme.
    - Bringing-up: to teach pupils to respect each other and be polite.
    Expected results: Pupils must discuss on the given theme, use new lexis.
    The type of the lesson: mixed
    Methods of teaching: association method, practical, presentation, discussion.
    Equipment: An interactive board, a computer, slides, cards.
    The procedure of the lesson:
    I. Organization moment
    a) Greeting
    b) Marking the absentees
    II. Warm-up
    III. Checking-up the home task
    IV. Introduction of the theme.
    a) Slides´ Demonstration
    b) Grammar material (Past Simple)
    c) New words
    d) Listening to excerpts from Shakespeare’s "Romeo and Juliet"
    e) Doing exercise
    V. Work with diagram
    VI. Giving opinion
    VII. Discussion
    VIII. Conclusion
    a) Singing the song „ Valentine”
    b) Evaluation
    VII. Giving home task.
    I. Greeting
    T. Good morning! I am glad to see you! Today we have an unusual lesson. We are going to speak about love and St. Valentine´s Day. This holiday is celebrated on the 14th of February. It is a special day of love and friendship. The symbols of this holiday are Valentine cards. People send greeting cards to their sweethearts and friend and ask them to „be their Valentine”.
    II. Warm-up
    T. Listen to the poem and repeat after me.
    Here is a Valentine.
    I made it just for you.
    With paper and ribbons
    And lots of Elmer´s glue!
    I cut it with my scissors
    And designed it with my paint.
    If I tell you that I love you,
    Do you promise not to faint?
    III. Checking-up the home task (ex.15, P.106)
    IV. Presentation of the new material. (Slides´ Demonstration)
    T. Look at the board and listen to the song „Valentine´s Day” (Linkin Park).
    Now let’s review Past Simple grammar material. Read and write out Past Tense forms of the verbs from the text (turned, blew away, collapsed, took away, held, moved, kept, lost, grew, put down, was, knew). (card 1)
    Vocabulary work: work with the new words. (Vocabulary for help is given on the interactive board). Reading and pronunciation. Slide 2 (card 2)
    T. A lot of famous Poets and Writers have created their masterpieces about love.
    Today we are working with a fragment of Shakespeare's "Romeo and Juliet". Now
    let’s listen to the dialogue from „Romeo and Juliet”.
    T. You have just listened to excerpts from Shakespeare’s "Romeo and Juliet".
    Read the text and answer the questions:
    What expressions does W. Shakespeare use to describe the moon?
    What does Juliet speak about Romeo? What do you think about it?
    Find words from the text that describe Juliet.
    T. Listen to the next task. Write the missing forms of the verbs and find them in the text. (Card 3, 4)
    V. Work with diagram Slide 4
    T. What is love? Imagine: Love is a wonderful flower. What are its petals?

    Filling in the diagram.
    VI. Giving opinion (support, sympathy, attention, understanding, tremor, jealousy, presents).
    VII. Discussion
    T. Tell me please: Would you like to have an ideal guy (girl)?
    Compose an essay „My ideal girl (guy)”. Use the new lexis in your speech.
    VIII. Conclusion
    a) Singing the song „ Valentine”.
    b) Evaluation
    VII. Giving home task.
    Learning of new words

    T. Now it’s time to finish our work. I am very glad to have such clever pupils. Thank you for your work and song. Happy St. Valentine´ Day!
    Категория: Английский и немецкий языки | Добавил: sntzhanna (29.03.2014) | Автор: Гаузер Виктория Адольфовна E
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